AYA (aaayyyaaaa_) – Wiki, Phone Number, Biography, Email, House Address, Contact, and Birthday Information

Communicate with popular American internet personality aaayyyaaaa_ via Email, House Address, Social Media, and Phone Number: Here you will get all of her social, email, physical address, and contact number details. Moreover, her Biography and wiki details are added.

AYA aka aaayyyaaaa_ is a famous 16 years old teenager, living in Austin, Texas (United States). She rose to fame with her aaayyyaaaa_ (username) social media accounts, especially TikTok and Instagram. In the early days, she posted videos containing parodied interactions between her mother and aunt on TikTok. In the meantime, she garnered 3 million TikTok fans and 1 million Instagram followers.

Aya is best known for her short comedy videos, Lip syncing, and funny dance videos. She featured her teenage friends in some of her social media posts. She has one sibling, and both are curly heads. Her sister Sophia has a popular TikTok account at curlyheaded_sophia. Aya featured her mother on May 2020. She is not dating any boyfriend yet due to her teenage. Her most popular video received 5 million views, which was based on Megan Thee Stallion’s song “Sex Talk” Audio.

Contact Famous Celebrity: Finn Wolfhard

However, AYA birth’s name is Aya Tanjali and she basically belongs to Austin, Texas. Most of aaayyyaaaa_ fans are looking for phone number, email, and house address for contact and communication purposes. We have added AYA verified contact details as described below.

aaayyyaaaa_ phone number, address, biography
aaayyyaaaa_ Biography, Wiki, Contact Details

Biography and Profile

Here is the brief details of his biography and profile is given.

Real Name:AYA aka aaayyyaaaa_
Date of Birth:April 24, 2007
Age:13 Years Old
Profession:Social Media Star
Nationality:United States
Worth:1$ million dollars
Bio, Wiki, Age Info

Contact Details:

Below you can see her recent contact details.

Social Media Contact:

Contact Aya through various active social media accounts provided here.

Social MediaHandel/IDTotal Fans/Followers
TikTok:@aaayyyaaaa_8 M
Instagram:@aaayyyaaaa_2 Million
Youtube:AYA1 M
Social addresses and numbers

Email ID, Phone Number & House Address:

Let’s communicate aaayyyaaaa_ via phone number, email, and house address as listed below.

Time needed: 7 minutes

Contact via Phone and Email:

  1. Email Address

    Use the given id for email messaging and business inquiries to her: aaayyyaaaa@yahoo.com

  2. Contact via Phone Number

    Use the aaayyyaaaa_ phone number as provided for calling and sending text messages to her. Call her in the morning from 9 AM to 12 PM.

  3. House Address

    The house address is ‘Aya aka aaayyyaaaa_, Austin, Texas, United States‘.

Check Contact: Jenny Popach

You can share your views about Aya Tanjali’s Contact in the comments because your opinion matters a lot.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Brennen

    hi Aya im Brennen and i want to date you but i need your number.

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